


    Logo TM SubconsciousAscension

    The question I get asked most about Subconscious Ascension is "How did it all begin?", so I felt this would be an appropriate subject for my first Blog.

    My work history included mostly office-type roles, so when a friend of the family asked me to attend a Reiki course (channelling healing energy) during  the late 1990s, my response was not so positive ("I wasn't into that stuff") and I declined the invitation.  Only a few days before the Reiki course was held, I was asked again - "Erica, I have this man coming to the course, and I have no-one to partner him" - so I relented and agreed to attend.  The man did not show up (the training was for me) and I had such amazing experiences during that Reiki course that I was curious enough to continue the training and become a Reiki Master.  Along the way, I realized that Reiki was a bit 'too weird' for some people, so my search for something quicker, easier and more acceptable began.

    In the years following, I attended many different courses and learned many different modalities, all wonderful in their own right.  Even though most modalities advised against mixing techniques, I found this worked very well for my clients, whilst teaching me about not limiting myself (by thinking 'outside the box').  Experimentation was the order of the day!

    During 2006, I attended a hypnotherapy course and, even though this modality has many benefits, the three separate sessions required were not always convenient for the client (or for me).  From past experience, I also realized that some people didn't want to talk about their problems to someone they didn't know, and they wanted to be in control of the process and outcome.  I became aware of the importance of 'time-friendly' and 'client convenience/confidentiality', so my search for something more appropriate continued.

    Logo TM SubconsciousAscensionDuring 2007, I decided to call upon the universe to assist me to develop a powerful energy healing technique that could be conducted with individuals or groups, that accessed the most pure universal energies (from pure source - the Creator of All That Is) and had the potential to make a huge difference in a person's life.  My 'brief' (intention) to the universe was "quick, easy, safe, affordable, effective, clients don't have to talk about anything, and clients have total control over the process (and what happens to themselves individually)".

    And... Subconscious Ascension came to form (by way of a 'script' similar to a meditation)...  A modality that uses the universal energies (which channel through me during the Subconscious Ascension session) to raise the 'level of consciousness' - conscious awareness (awareness of what you think, say and feel) and the energy-field vibration (which determines what you will attract into your life).  Subconscious Ascension is continually-evolving and ever-changing (I write and re-write on a regular basis), and the level of consciousness continues to rise.  I feel very blessed to be the creator and facilitator of such an amazing modality.

    My passion for empowering and educating people continues, through the Subconscious Ascension session, energetically-sent (remote) healings, training workshops, and many free handouts on my website.  I have learned that there is no one modality that is best for everyone, we all have our own individual journey and lessons to experience, and we must be guided by our own inner wisdom (as we really do know what is best for ourselves). Thank you for reading my very first Blog, and I wish you great success in all your endeavours.


  • Change Your Mind Change Your Life

  • Change Your Mind Change Your Life

    Change Your Mind Change Your Life

    ChangeYourMindChangeYourLife 63KbTheChange Your Mind Change Your Life session is offered as a personal one-on-one (individual) service, so that you can take advantage of personally working with Erica West for one (1) hour, in order to deal with limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from achieving your highest potential.

    Various energy healing techniques may be included in the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session (as guided), and this session is tailored to suit your specific/personal requirements.

    The Change Your Mind Change Your Life session is 'by appointment' only, and available times (Australia time) are listed on the Events Calendar (please check the time zone converter for your area).

    During your one (1) hour personal Change Your Mind Change Your Life session, you have the opportunity to transform limiting beliefs around any particular issue(s) you wish to work on (for example: issues about family, relationships, health, wealth, happiness, abundance, love, success, etc). You, and only you, can decide which issue is most important for you to work on.

    Within the one-hour timeframe, there may be enough time to work on more than one issue, and it would be wise for you to consider the issue most important to your specific circumstances. You may wish to consider other issues you would like to deal with, and, time permitting, as many issues as possible will be dealt with during your personal Change Your Mind Change Your Life session.

    AngelOfHealing SusannaIsabellaPersonal Change Your Mind Change Your Life sessions are generally conducted via telephone or Skype (other alternatives may be considered), and your preference for personal contact should be noted when registering for a Change Your Mind Change Your Life session. Contact will be made at the appointed time, via the agreed medium.
    Mandala SA Round
    You will be working directly with Erica West, to achieve the best possible outcome, in order to change negative belief patterns that may be blocking you from creating the life that you desire.

    As with all treatments/sessions offered by Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd, you are ultimately responsible for the outcome of your session.  On completion of the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session, you may (or may not) immediately notice a difference in the way you feel. Transforming limiting beliefs to positive beliefs can sometimes take a little while for the subconscious mind to process. Free handouts are available on the Subconscious Ascension website to assist you with further healing and transformation.

    ChangeYourMindChangeYourLife 63KbVarious healing techniques may be introduced into the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session (divine guidance is used to determine the most appropriate technique to facilitate your personal healing/transformation). Techniques may include Change Your Belief Patterns ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing'), Emotional Freedom Technique, Theta Healing, Releasing Attachments, Family Line Healing, Akashic Record Healing, and other Energy Healing and Release Techniques.

    The Change Your Mind Change Your Life session provides you with an opportunity to change your thinking and transform your life in the most positive ways.


    • Personalized session, designed for your specific circumstances and healing.SA Butterfly ChakraColours
    • Uncover and transform some of your innermost limiting subconscious beliefs and thought patterns.
    • Install positive and empowering beliefs.
    • Exercise more control over your own thoughts and emotions.
    • Raise your level of consciousness (conscious awareness and energy field vibration).
    • Personal transformation.
    • Experience a more rewarding reality.
    • Overcome personal fears and/or self doubt.
    • Heal childhood/relationship/other issues (you choose your issue).
    • Establish better connections with people.
    • Experience a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation.
    • Take responsibility for your feelings, emotions and actions.
    • You control the outcome of the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session.


      Please be ready for your appointment time.
      Please have the issue(s) you wish to deal with written down (to maximize the time available).
      Please remove any distractions for the duration of your session.
      Please have plenty of water available for you to drink during/after this session (it's important to remain hydrated).
      You may wish to have some tissues handy (just in case an emotional issue arises).

    Please register for the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session
     with an open mind and a willing attitude to change your current circumstances. Your Higher Self and other universal energies will co-operate to assist with creating positive changes for your highest and best good.



    I have had a few Change Your Mind Change Your Life sessions via telephone, and have felt instant relief from stress.
    Josephine Schmidt. - Australia.

    The Change Your Mind Change Your Life session has helped me immensely with pain relief.
    Beth Austin - Australia.

    Are you ready to deal with challenges you are currently facing in your life?  If there were no limits to your resources, what would you like your life to look like?  If you could access your inner power to create whatever you desire, what would you like to manifest?


    • AUD$150 per person - for a one-hour Change Your Mind Change Your Life personalized session (by appointment only).

    Butterflies InBlueCircleRegister for the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session
    Check the Events Calendar for available dates/times, or
    Contact Us to arrange a personal appointment at a mutually convenient time.


    Note:  If you wish to take advantage of a group session to transform limiting beliefs, please check out the Transform Limiting Beliefs session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Client Information - Create Positive Changes

    Client Information - Create Positive Changes

    CreatePositiveChangesThe following information is for participants who choose to physically attend a Create Positive Changes session.

    Participants must allow 2 hours for the Create Positive Changes (CPC) session (timing depends on questions and general setup activities). Please be ON TIME (punctual). Registration begins thirty (30) minutes prior to the Create Positive Changes session start time.

    You do not have to talk about anything at the Create Positive Changes session, and your subconscious mind will do all the work for you. There is no homework, however, supplementary techniques are provided for your convenience (to counteract any resistance you may experience and to further assist in raising your vibrational frequency), and it is up to you if you choose to use them.

    A presentation is conducted first (to explain about the Create Positive Changes session), then clients have time to go to the toilet and/or set up their bedding, before laying down for the meditation part of the session.

    Please wear comfortable clothing, and remember that EACH PARTICIPANT MUST BRINGa:

    1. MATTRESS  (or something comfortable to lay on for approximately 1 hour, e.g. swag, airbed, folded doona or bedspread, etc);
    2. PILLOW  (optional, if you use a pillow);
    3. BLANKET  (it's important to have something WARM to cover you - you will be laying on the floor, and you may feel colder than usual);
    4. WATER BOTTLE  (it's important to drink water, and keep hydrated).

    CPC BluePurple BlueText


    PLEASE NOTE:  (1) Electronic devices (mobile phones, recording devices, etc) are not permitted to be turned on during the Create Positive Changes session. The Create Positive Changes (CPC) session is subject to copyright protection.  (2) Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel a session if required attendee numbers are not reached (refunds shall be given for payments made).

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Client Information - Create Your Perfect Body

    Client Information - Create Your Perfect Body

    CreateYourPerfectBodyThe following information is for participants who choose to physically attend a Create Your Perfect Body session.

    Participants must allow 2 hours for the Create Your Perfect Body (CYPB) session (timing depends on questions and general setup activities). Please be ON TIME (punctual). Registration begins thirty (30) minutes prior to the Create Your Perfect Body session start time.

    You do not have to talk about anything at the Create Your Perfect Body session, and your subconscious mind will do all the work for you. There is no homework, however, supplementary techniques are provided for your convenience (to counteract any resistance you may experience and to further assist in raising your vibrational frequency), and it is up to you if you choose to use them.

    A presentation is conducted first (to explain about the Create Your Perfect Body session), then clients have time to go to the toilet and/or set up their bedding, before laying down for the meditation part of the session.

    Please wear comfortable clothing, and remember that EACH PARTICIPANT MUST BRINGa:

    1. MATTRESS  (or something comfortable to lay on for 1 hour, e.g. swag, airbed, folded doona or bedspread, etc);
    2. PILLOW  (optional, if you use a pillow);
    3. BLANKET  (it's important to have something WARM to cover you - you will be laying on the floor, and you may feel colder than usual);
    4. WATER BOTTLE  (it's important to drink water, especially after the Create Your Perfect Body session).

    The following documents may be of benefit for recordkeeping and processing purposes. Click the relevant links below to download the forms.

    1. Client Record: (Optional): This form is for your record only.  You may choose to answer the questions prior to your Create Your Perfect Body session and check the changes three (3) months after your Create Your Perfect Body session.
    2. Differences/Changes: This list explains some of the differences/changes you may experience, as you begin to process information after your Create Your Perfect Body session.
    3. Dealing With Change: Take advantage of some useful techniques to deal with your raised energy field vibration and remain in a positive state.
    4. Emotional Freedom Technique: A simple 'tapping' technique, using your body's meridian points, to release negative emotions associated with pain in your body and/or emotional issues.
    5. Change Your Belief Patterns: Two very easy techniques ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing') for you to start changing your own belief patterns.
    6. Pocket Reminder - Change Your Belief Patterns: A quick reference to the wording for 'Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing', plus a few spares to share with friends.

    CYPB BlueBody BlueIndigoPurple 200x200 36Kb


    PLEASE NOTE:  (1) Electronic devices (mobile phones, recording devices, etc) are not permitted to be turned on during the Create Your Perfect Body session. The Create Your Perfect Body (CYPB) session is subject to copyright protection.  (2) Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel a session if required attendee numbers are not reached (refunds shall be given for payments made).

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Client Information - Energetically Sent

    Client Information - Energetically Sent

    RegTradeMark Logo EnergeticallySent WEBSITEThank you for registering for an Energetically Sent session.

    You do not have to do anything different on the nominated date of your Energetically Sent session, and can go about your business as you usually do.

    After Erica West has made the request for the Energetically Sent session to be energetically transmitted to you, your Higher Self and Universal Energies will download the relevant healing energy to you at the most appropriate time for you - sometimes immediately, though definitely within two (2) days of your nominated session date.

    As a result of the Energetically Sent session, changes will occur in your body and mind, which may (or may not) be noticeable to you. Please be patient with yourself, as your body/mind processes the healing session. You may feel to rest a little more and/or drink more water.

    It is important to be as positive as you can, so that your body/mind has the best opportunity to process all the information from your Energetically Sent session.

    The following documents, even though most relate specifically to the Subconscious Ascension session, may be of benefit for recording and processing purposes for your particular Energetically Sent session.  Click the relevant links below to view and/or download the forms.

    1. Client Record (Subconscious Ascension): (Optional): This form is for your record only.  You may choose to answer the questions prior to your Energetically Sent session and check the changes after your Energetically Sent session (check changes after 3 months for the Subconscious Ascension session and after 1 month for all other Energetically Sent sessions).
    2. Differences/Changes: This list explains some of the differences/changes you may experience, as you begin to process information after your Energetically Sent session.
    3. Dealing With Change: Take advantage of some useful techniques to deal with your raised energy field vibration and remain in a positive state.
    4. Emotional Freedom Technique: A simple 'tapping' technique, using your body's meridian points, to release negative emotions associated with pain in your body and/or emotional issues.
    5. Change Your Belief Patterns: Two very easy techniques ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing') for you to start changing your own belief patterns.
    6. Pocket Reminder - Change Your Belief Patterns: A quick reference to the wording for 'Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing', plus a few spares to share with friends.

    SA Butterfly ChakraColours


    If you have registered for the Energetically Sent "Subconscious Ascension" session, you MUST wait at least three (3) months between each "Subconscious Ascension" session. The "Subconscious Ascension" session can be energetically sent (or physically attended) on the same day as any other session, and the waiting period of 3 months only applies to the "Subconscious Ascension" session.

    This condition (waiting period) does not apply to any other Energetically Sent session advertised, which may be booked every week if desired. Please check the Events Calendar for all energy healing sessions.

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Client Information - EsotErica

    Banner EsotErica 242Kb

    Client Information - EsotEricaRegTradeMark Logo EsotErica WEBSITE

    The following information is for clients physically attending an EsotErica workshop.

    Workshops are (generally) conducted between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Please check your preferred workshop/date for specific timing.

    Registration for an EsotErica workshop commences half an hour prior to the start time (i.e. registration 9.30 a.m. for 10.00 a.m. start) to ensure all participants are present and accounted for. Please be ON TIME (punctual).

    Specific information about lunch and morning/afternoon tea shall be provided for each individual workshop, as conditions vary with different venues (some venues allow people to take their own food on site, and some do not). Workshop attendees are requested to remain at the venue for the duration of the workshop and, wherever appropriate, bring their own food (so that there is no issue with dietary requirements).

    Mandala EsotErica RoundPlease note that electronic devices (mobile phones, recording devices, etc) are not permitted to be turned on during the EsotErica workshop. The lunch period allows adequate time to check mobile phones.

    Depending on venue terms and conditions, Erica West may allow additional time at the end of the day to facilitate healings, expand on workshop content and/or answer other questions. Clients interested in spending additional time at the venue should allow for this in their travel plans.

    Attendees are requested to bring to the workshop:

    • Reading Glasses (if glasses are needed to read);
    • Coat (in case the room is cold/airconditioned);
    • Water Bottle/s (personal healing may happen, and it’s important to keep hydrated);
    • Notebook/Pen (optional, if you wish to take additional notes).

    Should you require any further information, please use the Contact Us form.

    Mandala EsotErica Round

  • Client Information - Subconscious Ascension

    Client Information - Subconscious Ascension

    Logo TM SubconsciousAscensionThe following information is for participants who choose to physically attend a Subconscious Ascension session.

    Participants must allow 2½-3 hours for the Subconscious Ascension (SA) session (timing depends on questions and general setup activities). Please be ON TIME (punctual). Registration begins thirty (30) minutes prior to the Subconscious Ascension session start time.

    You do not have to talk about anything at the Subconscious Ascension session, and your subconscious mind will do all the work for you. There's no homework, however, techniques are provided for your convenience, and it is up to you if you choose to use them.

    A presentation is conducted first (to explain about Subconscious Ascension), then clients have time to go to the toilet and/or set up their bedding, before laying down for the meditation part of the session.

    Please wear comfortable clothing, and remember that EACH PARTICIPANT MUST BRINGa:

    1. MATTRESS  (or something comfortable to lay on for 1½ hours, e.g. swag, airbed, folded doona or bedspread, etc);
    2. PILLOW  (optional, if you use a pillow);
    3. BLANKET  (it's important to have something WARM to cover you - you will be laying on the floor, and you may feel colder than usual);
    4. WATER BOTTLE  (it's important to drink water, especially after the Subconscious Ascension session).

    The following documents may be of benefit for recording and processing purposes. Click the relevant links below to download the forms.

    1. Client Record: (Optional): This form is for your record only.  You may choose to answer the questions prior to your Subconscious Ascension session and check the changes three (3) months after your Subconscious Ascension session.
    2. Differences/Changes: This list explains some of the differences/changes you may experience, as you begin to process information after your Subconscious Ascension session.
    3. Dealing With Change: Take advantage of some useful techniques to deal with your raised energy field vibration and remain in a positive state.
    4. Emotional Freedom Technique: A simple 'tapping' technique, using your body's meridian points, to release negative emotions associated with pain in your body and/or emotional issues.
    5. Change Your Belief Patterns: Two very easy techniques ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing') for you to start changing your own belief patterns.
    6. Pocket Reminder - Change Your Belief Patterns: A quick reference to the wording for 'Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing', plus a few spares to share with friends.

    SA Butterfly ChakraColoursPLEASE NOTE:  (1) Electronic devices (mobile phones, recording devices, etc) are not permitted to be turned on during the Subconscious Ascension session.  The Subconscious Ascension (SA) session is subject to copyright protection.  (2) Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel a session if required attendee numbers are not reached (refunds shall be given for payments made).

    IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FUTURE SUBCONSCIOUS ASCENSION SESSIONS:  Clients MUST wait at least three (3) months between each Subconscious Ascension session. Please make a note of your first Subconscious Ascension session date in your diary (or check the previous date you had a Subconscious Ascension session), to ensure you wait a minimum of 3 months prior to booking another Subconscious Ascension session (it takes 3 months for your body/mind to integrate all the information from the Subconscious Ascension session).

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

  • Energetically Sent (ES)

    ES WebsiteBanner 235Kb

    Energetically Sent (ES)

    Logo EnergeticallySent RegTradeMark PNG

    Energetically Sent offers YOU unique energy healing sessions, energetically sent by Erica West (in Divine co-operation with Spirit) to initiate healing, harmony and balance for your particular requirements.

    Energetically Sent sessions are intended to initiate healing and transformation, through the power and wisdom of your subconscious mind, so that you can create positive changes in your body and your life.

    Energetically Sent means 'remote healing' - the healing energy is transmitted to you, via the Universal Energies (Divine Beings of Light) to your Higher Self. You do not have to physically attend a healing session, and you can enjoy the benefits of personal healing and raising your level of consciousness from the comfort of your own home.

    The healing intent is always for your highest and best good, and most benevolent outcome for all. Erica West's request (and intention) for each session is for you to achieve amazing/positive/miraculous outcomes, transformation and changes, so that you may benefit in the best possible ways.

    Energetically Sent is a great way to effect positive changes in your body (and in your life), without physically attending a healing session and/or leaving the comfort of your own home.

    Do YOU want to...

    • Feel calm, contented and happy?
    • Experience better health and wellbeing?
    • Transform negatives to positive?SA Butterfly Chakra Tail
    • Achieve a lot with little effort?
    • Create a better life?

    SA Butterfly Chakra TailThe BENEFITS of Energetically Sent sessions include...

    • You do not have to talk about anything.
    • Your subconscious mind does all the work for you.
    • You don't have to travel anywhere or leave home.
    • You achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.
    • Sessions are safe, effective and affordable.

    Butterflies InBlueCircleEnergetically Sent Sessions:

      Subconscious Ascension - AUD$100

      Create Positive Changes - AUD$100

      Awaken Your Soul - AUD$50

      Body Balance - AUD$50

      Conscious Regeneration - AUD$50

      Transform Limiting Beliefs - AUD$50

      Free Healing - Free (No Charge)


    Each healing session is energetically sent (via remote/distant healing energy) on the specified date on the Events Calendar. Orders must be submitted by the closing date specified for each energetically sent session.

    Important Note - This condition applies to the "Subconscious Ascension" session only:
    If you choose to have a "Subconscious Ascension" session, you MUST wait at least three (3) months between each individual session. You can have other sessions during the same day/week that you have a "Subconscious Ascension" session, if you wish, however, the "Subconscious Ascension" session requires a 3-month processing time. Please make a note of your booked "Subconscious Ascension" session date in your diary (or check the previous date if you've had a "Subconscious Ascension" session before), to ensure that you wait a minimum period of 3 months prior to booking another "Subconscious Ascension" session - it takes 3 months for your body/mind to integrate all the information from this session. The "Subconscious Ascension" session can be Energetically Sent (or physically attended) during the same day/week as any other session advertised on the Events Calendar, however, the 3-month waiting period applies to the "Subconscious Ascension" session (whether physically attended or energetically sent).

    The above note does not apply to all other Energetically Sent sessions, which can be booked every week if desired.

    Energetically Sent sessions are listed below:

    Mandala SA Round

    Subconscious Ascension - Energetically Sent (AUD$100)

    ES SubconsciousAscension

    The Subconscious Ascension session raises your level of consciousness (conscious awareness and energy field vibration) and allows you to begin transforming negative memories/emotions, so that your life may become easier and better. The Subconscious Ascension session is so powerful, it takes three (3) months for the body/mind to integrate all the information from the session.

    Your subconscious mind holds memories of every single event that has ever happened to you. Conditioning from childhood, and life experiences, may contribute to creating unfavourable patterns of behaviour, which continue to repeat themselves, until you deal with them.

    Note: If you intend to book future Subconscious Ascension sessions (in order to continue raising your awareness/vibration), you MUST allow a minimum period of three (3) months between each session, as Subconscious Ascension is extremely powerful and it takes 3 months for your body/mind to integrate all the information from the session.

    Please Note: The 3-month waiting period applies to the Subconscious Ascension session only. You can avail yourself of the other Energetically Sent sessions every week if you wish.

    View more information about Subconscious Ascension or read the Subconscious Ascension Brochure.

    The Subconscious Ascension session shall be energetically sent on dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Subconscious Ascension session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.


    The following six (6) forms relate to the Subconscious Ascension session.  Please click on the form name link to view or download the pdf version of each form.

    1. Differences/Changes - This form explains some of the differences/changes you may experience, as you begin to process information after your Subconscious Ascension session. Please note that most clients don't usually notice many differences noted on this form. 
    2. Dealing With Change - Please take advantage of some useful hints/tips and techniques to deal with your raised energy field vibration and remain in a positive state.
    3. Client Record - This form is optional (for your record only). You may choose to answer the questions prior to your Subconscious Ascension session, and check the changes three (3) months after your Subconscious Ascension session.
    4. Emotional Freedom Technique - An easy 'tapping' technique, using your body's meridian points to release negative emotions associated with pain in your body and/or emotional issues (a great pain relief and relaxation technique).
    5. Change Your Belief Patterns - Two very powerful and easy techniques ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing') for you to start changing your own belief patterns.
    6. Pocket Reminder: Change Your Belief Patterns - A quick reference to the wording for the 'Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing' techniques, plus a few extra reminders to share with friends.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Subconscious Ascension' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Create Positive Changes - Energetically Sent (AUD$100)

    CYPB BlueBody BlueIndigoPurple 200x200 36Kb

    The Create Positive Changes session is a very powerful method for you to create positive changes for your body and your life. The Create Positive Changes session is very powerful, and gives you the opportunity to decide what you would like changed (or different) for your body and your life.

    You have the power to change your life, and you can do this through the power of your subconscious mind. Please note that the Create Positive Changes session does not include anything about you physically having to do anything - it is about transforming beliefs that block you from becoming a vibrational match to the things you desire. 

    The Create Positive Changes session raises your level of consciousness (conscious awareness and energy field vibration) and allows you to begin transforming negative memories and/or emotions, so that you can create changes for your body and your life, through the power of your subconscious mind, and enable your particular circumstances to become easier and better.

    View more information about the CREATE POSITIVE CHANGES session.

    The Create Positive Changes session shall be energetically sent on dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Create Positive Changes session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Create Positive Changes' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Awaken Your Soul - Energetically Sent (AUD$50)

    ES AwakenYourSoulThe Awaken Your Soul session incorporates a combination of words and colour integration, so that you may awaken to your true potential.

    The Awaken Your Soul session links the colours of each chakra with the belief patterns that relate to these areas of the body (exposing beliefs for your light and shadow sides) and encourages you to release any limiting negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. This is a very powerful session.

    The Awaken Your Soul session shall be energetically sent on the dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Awaken Your Soul session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Awaken Your Soul' session.


    Mandala SA Round

    Body Balance - Energetically Sent (AUD$50)

    ES BodyBalance

    The Body Balance session includes a selection of the best-of-the-best techniques to balance and align your body (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually). Body Balance includes muscle-release and body alignment techniques (Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, Hypertonic Muscle Release, Kinesiology), reorganization of the nervous system (Neural Organization Technique), energy healing (Reiki, Spiritual Surgery, Theta Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Blanket Healing), and more.

    The Body Balance session incorporates many different healing modalities, divinely guided by Spirit, to promote alignment and balance within your body on all levels. You will receive exactly what you need for the best healing possible for you at this moment in time, and your body will thank you for your commitment to nurturing yourself.

    The Body Balance session shall be energetically sent on the dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Body Balance session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Body Balance' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Conscious Regeneration - Energetically Sent (AUD$50)

    ES ConsciousRegenerationThe Conscious Regeneration session allows you to consciously make the intention to transform beliefs that hold you back from your optimum potential.

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could consciously decide what you want changed or different in your body and/or your life? The Conscious Regeneration session has been developed so that YOU make your own choices in relation to what you want changed or different in your body/life, and you take responsibility for the outcome. Conscious Regeneration assists you to release limiting family patterns, let go of self-sabotage, and co-create with the universe all potential possibilities for yourself.

    The Conscious Regeneration session shall be energetically sent on the dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Conscious Regeneration session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Conscious Regeneration' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Transform Limiting Beliefs - Energetically Sent (AUD$50)

    ES ConsciousRegenerationThe Transform Limiting Beliefs session incorporates various healing techniques, and includes teachings and energetic downloads (about health, wealth, happiness, abundance, love, success, etc), so that you can become a vibrational match to that which you desire.

    As a participant, you can expect approximately three (3) hours of subconscious healing (transforming limiting beliefs), with the capacity to change your life in positive and constructive ways.

    View more information about the Transform Limiting Beliefs session.

    The Transform Limiting Beliefs session shall be energetically sent on the dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Transform Limiting Beliefs session on the dates listed on the Events Calendar.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Transform Limiting Beliefs' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    Free Healing - Energetically Sent - Free (No Charge)

    ES FreeHealing

    The Free Healing session is offered to anyone who wants it, at no charge. By registering for the Free Healing session, you will be assisted by Spirit to achieve balance and harmony in your body and your life. Free Healing may include physical and/or emotional healing techniques, depending on each client’s needs, and the collective healing modalities used on each occasion are intuitively guided by Spirit (which means that the modalities/techniques used are likely to be different each time a free healing is energetically sent). Read more about the Free Healing session here...

    The Free Healing session is freely available to anyone who wants it. You are making a huge difference to the planet, just by being here, and we are pleased to give something back to you for all your efforts to ensure this world becomes a better place. Thank you. ♥

    The Free Healing session shall be energetically sent on the dates listed on the Events Calendar. Bookings close for the Free Healing session at midnight on the date prior to the Free Healing being energetically sent. Bookings made after midnight on the closing date will be energetically sent on the next available Free Healing date (currently monthly).

    Important Note For Free Healing:  The Free Healing session is displayed on the Events Calendar, however, a separate form must be completed to book for this service (just click on the 'Free Healing Form' link). The reason for this is the Free Healing offer is not a marketing exercise (it is a gift to you from the universe), therefore, only your name is required for the healing to be effected. This also means that no confirmation notice will be sent to you to confirm that the Free Healing session was energetically sent to you. Your effort to include your name on the Free Healing list (via the Booking Form) will ensure that the best possible outcome for your particular situation will be energetically transmitted to you on the Free Healing session date (check the Events Calendar for the next available Free Healing session).

    The Free Healing session is offered at no charge, and you are welcome to book a Free Healing session (via the Free Healing form link below) on every occasion the Free Healing session is listed on the Events Calendar.

    Complete the 'Free Healing' form for the next available Energetically Sent 'Free Healing' session.

    Mandala SA Round

    ES Butterfly FacingRight 2For clients who have registered for an Energetically Sent session:
    This is the link to the Client Information for all Energetically Sent sessions.

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Erica Services

    Erica's Services

    The purpose of Erica's services is to promote health and wellbeing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and to empower you to use the wisdom of your innate intelligence to decide what is best for YOU.  You have the power to change your life.

    Logo SubconsciousAscension RegTradeMark


    Subconscious Ascension

    Subconscious Ascension is a unique and extremely powerful energy healing modality - a quick and easy way to transform limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your full potential.  You do not have to talk about anything, and the Subconscious Ascension session can be attended in person or energetically sent to you.  Read more...

    Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Subconscious Ascension session, as well as other energy healing services/sessions.  Or, check out the requirements to organize a Subconscious Ascension session in your area.


    CYPB CreateYourPerfectBody 46Kb

    Create Positive Changes

    Create Positive Changes assists you to successfully resolve physical and/or emotional issues, and use the power of your mind to create positive changes for your body and your life. Create Positive Changes is continually evolving, as the planetary level of consciousness rises.  Create Positive Changes is a safe, quick, easy and most inexpensive way to clear limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your highest potential. You can physically attend a Create Positive Changes session or take advantage of having the Create Positive Changes session energetically sent to you.  Read more...

    Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Create Positive Changes session, as well as other energy healing services/sessions.


    RegTradeMark Logo EnergeticallySent WEBSITE

    Energetically Sent

    Energetically Sent sessions are a great way to create positive changes in your body (and your life), without having to physically attend a healing session and/or leave the comfort of your own home.  Energetically Sent healing sessions encourage the power and wisdom of your subconscious mind to begin creating positive changes, so that you may benefit in the best ways. Read more...

    View the Calendar Of Events for Energetically Sent (and other) sessions.


    RegTradeMark Logo EsotErica WEBSITE

    EsotEricaMandala EsotErica Round

    EsotErica training/information workshops assist you to learn about life and gain valuable techniques to empower yourself (refer to Training Sessions/Workshops below).  Read more...  View Calendar Of Events, or Register Your Interest in an event in your area, or Mandala EsotErica Roundorganize  a workshop in your area.


    ChangeYourMindChangeYourLife 63KbChange Your Mind Change Your Life

    The Change Your Mind Change Your Life session is offered as a one-on-one (individual) service, so that you can take advantage of personally working with Erica West for one (1) hour, in order to deal with limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from achieving your highest potential.  Various energy healing techniques may be included in the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session, and this session is tailored to suit your personal specific requirements.  Read more...

    Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Change Your Mind Change Your Life session (and other sessions), or Contact Us to arrange a personal appointment at a mutually convenient time.



    TLB blueTransform Limiting Beliefs

    The Transform Limiting Beliefs group session incorporates various healing techniques, and includes teachings and energetic downloads (about health, wealth, happiness, abundance, love, success, etc), so that you can become a vibrational match to that which you desire.

    Each Transform Limiting Beliefs session is unique, in that each group session is specifically tailored to suit participant requirements. Read more...

    View the Calendar Of Events for Transform LimSA Butterfly ChakraColoursitSA Butterfly ChakraColoursing Beliefs (and other) sessions.

    SA Butterfly ChakraColours




    PositiveBodyImage MP3Downloadable Audio/MP3 Healing Products

    Downloadable products are intended to raise your level of consciousness (your conscious awareness and energy field vibration) and assist with personal healing of your body/mind, transform limiting beliefs and promote inner peace. Downloadable Audio/MP3 products are intended to provide healing whilst you sleep, and empower you to make positive changes in your body and your life.

    Check out the selection of downloadable audio/MP3 healing products here: (Please Note: 'Shop/Products' purchases are separate to 'Services/Events' bookings - Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website.)

    IAM MP3.JustBE MP3YouCanRelaxNow MP3WouldntItBeNice MP3PositiveBodyImage MP3



    Course HealingHints LiveWorkshopTraining Sessions/Workshops

    EsotErica's training sessions/workshops (E-Courses and Live Workshops) assist you to learn new skills, gain useful knowledge and collect many valuable hints and techniques.

    Take this opportunity to enhance your personal health and wellbeing, improve your relationships, and create an easier and better life. Learn how to transform negative beliefs, and use the power of your thoughts for advantageous outcomes.

    Empower yourself with some of the best solutions to access the power within you to co-create with the universe everything you have ever dreamt of (and more). Read more...

    Course ChangeYourBeliefs E CourseCourse ChangeYourBeliefs LiveWorkshopCourse HealingHints E CourseCourse HealingHints LiveWorkshopCourse TheArtOfManifestation E CourseCourse TheArtOfManifestation LiveWorkshopCourse WhatYouThinkMatters E CourseCourse WhatYouThinkMatters LiveWorkshop



    ES FreeHealing

    Free Healing

    An energetically-sent Free Healing session is offered to anyone who wants it (via remote/distant healing energy).  Free Healing may include physical and/or emotional healing techniques, and is divinely guided by Spirit.  Read more...

    You are making a huge difference in the world, just by being here, and we are pleased to provide this energetically-sent Free Healing service for you.

    Book now for an energetically-sent Free Healing, by completing the 'Free Healing' Form.


    Butterflies InBlueCircle

    Register Your Interest For A Healing/Training Session In Your Area

    Even though Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd is located in Australia, healing and training sessions can be conducted in areas outside of Australia (conditions apply).  Please complete the form to Register Your Interest in a healing or training event in your area.


    Butterflies 3 BlueCircle TriangleFree Information

    Free 'Wellbeing Techniques' and 'Free Hints & Tips' are provided for your convenience. This information is continually being added to and/or upgraded.  Please use this information discerningly, and take advantage of what feels 'right' for you.


    Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Shop/Products'
    (Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Shop - Online Shopping' area)

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Erica's Services

  • ES Awaken Your Soul Session

    Awaken Your Soul (AUD$50)

    ES AwakenYourSoulThe Awaken Your Soul session incorporates a combination of words and colour integration, so that you may awaken to your true potential.

    The Awaken Your Soul session links the colours of each chakra with the belief patterns that relate to these areas of the body (exposing beliefs for your light and shadow sides) and encourages you to release any limiting negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. This is a very powerful session.

    The Awaken Your Soul session is energetically sent (via remote/distant healing energy) on the specified date on the Events Calendar. Orders must be submitted by the closing date specified for each energetically sent session.

    Energetically Sent sessions are a great way to create positive changes in your body (and in your life), without physically attending a healing session and/or leaving the comfort of your own home.

    Check the Events Calendar for the next available Energetically Sent 'Awaken Your Soul' session (and other sessions).

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • EsotErica (EE)

    Banner EsotErica 242Kb

    Training Sessions/WorkshopsLogo EsotErica RegTradeMark 172Kb

    EsotErica's training sessions/workshops assist you to learn new skills, gain useful knowledge and many valuable hints and techniques, enhance your personal health and wellbeing, improve your relationships, and create an easier and better life.

    Live Workshops and E-Courses are available for the following sessions:


    Healing Hints  - COMING SOON

    Healing Hints WorkshopHealing Hints Ecourse

    COMING SOON  Erica West shares many amazing healing techniques and hints in theHEALING HINTS session.

    Erica has collated information (gained through personal experience and many years in the healing profession) to empower you with some of the best possible healing solutions in the HEALING HINTS session.  It is imperative that your personal health and wellbeing is a priority in your life.

    TheHEALING HINTS session is for you, if you wish to invest in your own health and wellbeing and start healing your body, mind and/or life.

    The HEALING HINTS information session includes:

    • Understanding How ‘Energy’ Works
    • How To Boost Your Immune System
    • Emotional Freedom Technique
    • Changing Beliefs That No Longer Benefit You
    • Re-Energizing Exercises
    • Muscle Testing
    • Headache Release
    • Emotional Stress Release
    • Tips For Memory Retention
    • Scar Integration
    • Hydration Of Your Body
    • And More...

    Your investment in the HEALING HINTS session provides you with many useful techniques to use (for yourself and others), and documentation (downloadable) for future reference.

    The HEALING HINTS session is available as:

    • an E-Course (for self-paced learning) - Documentation (PDF downloadable format) is provided, which explains each technique and gives you lots of useful tips to use for yourself and others.
    • a Live Workshop (for those who prefer to participate in a group environment) - Techniques are experienced first-hand, and this is a great way to see what really works for you.  Group dynamics ensure that information sharing and technique examples provide you with even more knowledge and skills.  Time permitting, additional information and techniques are discussed and experienced.  A free ebook (documentation in PDF downloadable format) is provided for future reference.


    E-Course – AUD$100 COMING SOON
    Live Workshop – AUD$200 (1-day workshop) - COMING SOON

    Check out the Events Calendar for a HEALING HINTS session (Live Workshop), and other events, in your area.

    Register your interest for aHEALING HINTS session (Live Workshop) in your area.

    Check out general requirements for clients attending an EsotErica Live Workshop.

    Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Products' (Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Products - Online Shopping' area). 

    Mandala EsotErica Round 

    What You Think... Matters  - COMING SOON

    WhatYouThinkMatters LiveWorkshop

    WhatYouThinkMatters E Course

    COMING SOON  Erica West explains how your thoughts create your reality in the WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session, and how to change your thoughts in the direction of a more desirable state.

    The WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session is for you, if you are ready to take responsibility for your part in creating your past experiences, and willing to transform limiting beliefs to ensure a brighter future for yourself.

    The WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session is for those who wish to learn how to transform negative beliefs, and use the power of thoughts for advantageous outcomes.

    TheWHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS information session includes:

    • Energy Follows Thought
    • Conditioning Predicts Behaviour
    • The Mirror Effect
    • Choose Your Words Carefully
    • Tools For Change
    • Transforming Beliefs
    • And More...

    Your investment in the WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session provides you with many useful hints to change your thinking and create the life you’ve always wanted, as well as documentation for future reference.

    The WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session is available as:

    • an E-Course (for self-paced learning) - Documentation (PDF downloadable format) is provided, which explains how your thoughts create your reality, techniques to change the way you think, and energetic downloads to transform limiting beliefs.
    • a Live Workshop (for those who prefer to participate in a group environment) - Erica shows how your thoughts and words create your reality, and volunteers experience (first-hand) the negative effects of gossip and how negative self-talk and feelings place the body in a state of dis-ease.  Group dynamics ensure that information sharing and workshop examples provide you with even more knowledge about the importance of positive reinforcement for yourself and others.  Time permitting, additional information and techniques are discussed and experienced.  A free ebook (documentation in PDF downloadable format)is provided for future reference.


    E-Course – AUD$100 - COMING SOON
    Live Workshop – AUD$200 (1-day workshop) -COMING SOON

    Check out the Events Calendar for a WHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session (Live Workshop), and other events, in your area.

    Register your interest for aWHAT YOU THINK... MATTERS session (Live Workshop) in your area.

    Check out general requirements for clients attending an EsotErica Live Workshop.

    Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Products' (Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Products - Online Shopping' area).

    Mandala EsotErica Round

    Change Your Beliefs - COMING SOON

    Change Your Beliefs LiveWorkshopChange Your Beliefs Ecourse

    COMING SOON  In the CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session, Erica West explains how your subconscious beliefs determine what you will attract into your life, and how to transform negative beliefs into positive beliefs.

    The CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session is for you, if you wish to transform limiting beliefs and make your life easier and better.

    The CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session is for those who wish to participate in a 'download day' and transform negative beliefs to positive beliefs.

    TheCHANGE YOUR BELIEFS information session includes:

    • Inherited ‘Conditioning’
    • Past Behaviour Predicts Future Performance
    • Other People Co-Create With You
    • Subconscious Beliefs May Not Match Conscious Beliefs
    • Be A Vibrational Match To What You Desire
    • Real-Life Examples Of How To Change Beliefs
    • Energetic Downloads To Transform Limiting Beliefs
    • And More...

    Your investment in the CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session provides you with useful techniques to transform limiting beliefs, the knowledge that you are responsible for all your creations, and compassion for those you are co-creating with.

    The CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session is available as:

    • an E-Course (for self-paced learning) - Documentation (PDF downloadable format) is provided, which explains how past/current life experiences shape our reality, co-creating with others, techniques to change limiting beliefs, and energetic downloads to transform limiting beliefs.
    • a Live Workshop (for those who prefer to participate in a group environment) - You are shown how your past predicts your future, and how easy it is to change limiting beliefs that no longer benefit you.  Learn that all is as it's meant to be, and every event is just a learning experience for Soul growth.  Group dynamics ensure that information sharing and energetic downloads transform many limiting beliefs, so that you can change your life for the better. Time permitting, additional information and techniques are discussed and experienced.  A free ebook (documentation in PDF downloadable format) is provided for future reference.


    E-Course – AUD$100 - COMING SOON
    Live Workshop – AUD$200 (1-day workshop) - COMING SOON

    Check out the Events Calendar for a CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session (Live Workshop), and other events, in your area.

    Register your interest for a CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS session (Live Workshop) in your area.

    Check out general requirements for clients attending an EsotErica Live Workshop.

    Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Products' (Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Products - Online Shopping' area).

    Mandala EsotErica Round

    The Art Of Manifestation  - COMING SOON

    Art of Manifestation Workshop

    Art of Manifestation Ecourse

    COMING SOON  Erica West shares various techniques inTHE ART OF MANIFESTATIONworkshop, so that you can create the life you desire.

    THE ART OF MANIFESTATION workshop shows you how to access the power within you to co-create with the universe everything you have ever dreamt of (and more).  

    THE ART OF MANIFESTATION workshop is for you, if you wish to take responsibility for your own creations, and manifest an amazing reality.

    THE ART OF MANIFESTATION workshop includes:

    • Valuable techniques for manifestation
    • How thoughts influence your manifestations
    • Transforming negative beliefs that block your manifestations
    • Deciding what you really want
    • Accessing the power within you
    • How to dream big
    • Changing your reality
    • Co-creating with the universe
    • And More...

    THE ART OF MANIFESTATION session is available as:

    • an E-Course (for self-paced learning) - Documentation (PDF downloadable format) is provided, which provides useful techniques for manifestation, so that you can transform limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your full potential and create the reality of your dreams.
    • a Live Workshop (for those who prefer to participate in a group environment) - Erica shows how your thoughts create your reality, and how to take full responsibility for your manifestations.  Group dynamics ensure that information sharing and workshop examples empower you to decide which technique is best for you, and start changing your reality in the direction of a more desirable state.  Time permitting, additional information and techniques are discussed and experienced.  A free ebook (documentation in PDF downloadable format) is provided for future reference.


    E-Course – AUD$100 - COMING SOON
    Live Workshop – AUD$200 (1-day workshop) - COMING SOON

    Check out the Events Calendar for THE ART OF MANIFESTATION session (Live Workshop), and other events, in your area.

    Register your interest forTHE ART OF MANIFESTATION session (Live Workshop) in your area.

    Check out general requirements for clients attending an EsotErica Live Workshop.

    Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Products' (Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Products - Online Shopping' area).

    Mandala EsotErica Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Free Healing

    ES FreeHealingFree Healing 

    The Free Healing session is offered to anyone who wants it, at no charge.

    By registering for the Free Healing session, you will be assisted by Spirit to achieve balance and harmony in your body and your life.

    As you heal yourself, you are being of service to the planet, by assisting the collective consciousness to heal.

    Free Healing may include physical and/or emotional healing techniques, depending on each client’s needs, and the collective healing modality used on each occasion is intuitively guided by Spirit (which means that the modality/technique used is likely to be different each time a free healing is energetically sent).

    The Free Healing session is freely available to anyone who wants it.

    You are making a huge difference to the planet, just by being here, and we are pleased to give something back to you for all your efforts to ensure this world becomes a better place. Thank you for your contribution to the evolvement of the planet.

    ES Butterfly FacingRight 2Thank you. Bless You. Namaste.


    The Free Healing session is energetically sent (via remote/distant healing energy) on the 17th day of each month (EST). Bookings close for the Free Healing session at midnight on the day before the session is due to be energetically sent (16th day of each month EST). Bookings made on the 17th day of the month will be energetically sent the next month.


    SA Butterfly ChakraColours

    Important Note For Free Healing:  The Free Healing session is displayed on the Events Calendar, however, a separate form must be completed to book for this service. The reason for this is because the Free Healing offer is not a marketing exercise, therefore, only your name is required for the healing to be effected. The Free Healing is offered at no charge, and you are welcome to book a Free Healing session every month.


    Complete the 'Free Healing' form for the next available Energetically Sent 'Free Healing' session.

    Thank You For Making A Difference In The World.

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

  • Frequently Asked Questions - Energetically Sent

    Energetically Sent - Frequently Asked Questions

    Logo EnergeticallySent RegTradeMark PNGWe attempt to answer the most common questions asked about the Energetically Sent healing sessions. Should you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd (via 'Contact Us' form).


    What is Energy Healing?

    Energy Healing is where a facilitator accesses pure source energy (also referred to as life force energy, universal energy, God-energy, Creator energy, etc) to channel healing energies to a specific person, persons, situation or event. Energy Healing can be conducted remotely (where the client/event and facilitator are in different locations), or through direct contact (where a client/event is in physical proximity to the facilitator). Energy Healing involves channelling energy via the facilitator’s body (generally through the hands, voice, third eye, or other chakra centres) to the specific client, either physically touching the client’s body, or asking for the energy to be ‘energetically sent’ to the client. Energetically-Sent healing is also referred to as Remote Healing, Prayer Healing, Distant Healing, Divine Healing, Energetic Healing, Absent Healing, Spiritual Healing, etc. We are all connected to ‘All That Is’ (universal energies), as well as each other (we are all ‘one’). The subconscious (or Spirit mind) is connected to the Higher Self and Spirit Realm. Anything is possible in the Spirit Realm. It is only our limiting beliefs that prevent progression on this earthly plane. When the Higher Self connects to the infinite possibilities in the Spirit Realm, and the physical being (person) is ready for change, anything can be achieved.

     Back to top

    Butterflies InBlueCircleWhat happens when Erica energetically sends an Energetically Sent healing session?

    Erica West taps into pure source energy to facilitate all of her energy healing work. She works closely with Spirit, channelling energy from the highest realms, with the intention for each client to achieve the best possible outcome for themselves and their Soul’s purpose. Erica asks Spirit (universal energies, pure source energy) to send/transmit healing energy to each client, in order to effect change/transformation in the client’s body/life. Erica’s intent is for every client to experience amazing, positive and miraculous outcomes, transformations and changes for their highest and best good, and for the most benevolent outcome for all. After that, it is entirely up to each client as to what changes he/she chooses to implement. That is why some people experience instant and miraculous transformations, whilst others take a little longer for change to occur. When a client requests an energetically sent session, they may (or may not) feel anything, which is okay, as they have already made an intention to the universe (just by asking for the energetically sent session) for change to occur in their body and/or life.

      Back to top

    Why are some healings instant, and others not?ES Butterfly FacingLeft 2

    It is really up to each client as to how his/her healing progresses, and it is important that each client takes responsibility (action) for himself/herself, and his/her health, life, and the outcomes associated with this. For example, if you have a health issue (say, an infection in your body), you need to take action to heal it, by cleaning the wound, using antiseptic solution, etc); or, if you are in an abusive relationship, you have to take action to stop the abuse (by standing up for yourself and/or leaving the relationship). Sometimes, on an unconscious level, it ‘serves us’ in some way to remain in our dis-ease state, rather than making changes (or taking action) in our lives. It is not for us to judge anyone as to the choices they make, as we each have our own life purpose to fulfill, and everyone’s experiences are unique. A person remaining in ‘dis-ease’ may actually be co-creating an experience with others, by teaching them a valuable lesson in this lifetime (perhaps so others can learn about compassion, love, tolerance, etc). Instant healings generally occur when a person matches the vibration of the healing energy, and is ready to move forward on their life path.

      Back to top

    Is there any guarantee that the healing will work?

    Erica West does not profess to heal anyone, as no person can heal another, therefore, no promise of healing can ever be given. It is up to each individual to initiate his/her own healing, and Erica West works with universal energies and the client’s Higher Self, Guides and Angels to facilitate healing, and to change the vibrational energy around the client, so that healing can begin. Sometimes, it takes a while for the client to raise their level of consciousness enough for healing to take effect. You can’t solve a problem in the same energy that you created it in, so, sometimes, outside assistance is beneficial and/or necessary to initiate change. Each individual is different, and there can be no guarantee, implied or otherwise, that an individual’s healing experience can achieve the same outcome as those mentioned by clients who have submitted testimonials.

      Back to top

    Butterflies 3 BlueCircle TriangleHow is the healing energy transmitted?

    Energetically Sent healing energy can best be described as a thought process, whereby healing is set in motion through the mental request from the facilitator (in this case, Erica West) to Spirit (Divine Light Beings) for assistance to reach a given client (similar to a situation when you are thinking about a particular person, and that same person contacts you very soon after). In the case of energetically sent healing, a specific request is being made to assist the client to heal or transform whatever dis-ease (physical/mental/emotional) that may be present (in the body and/or life). The healing request is transmitted by the facilitator to Spirit and the client’s Higher Self, and it is the client’s Higher Self that allows the appropriate amount of healing energy to be downloaded to the client at the moment in time that the healing energy is transmitted. Even though the healing energy may be transmitted at a particular time of the day, the request always asks that the client receives the healing energy at the most appropriate time for them, and this is done by co-operation between the client’s Higher Self and universal energies. The client’s Higher Self knows the client’s life purpose, what the client is ready to accept in relation to transformation, and the appropriate timing for change to occur.

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    How long does it take for the client to receive the healing energy?SA Butterfly Chakra Tail

    The client may receive the healing energy immediately, or within two (2) days of it being energetically sent. The client’s Higher Self and Spirit determine when it is best for the client to receive the healing energy, that is, what is most appropriate for that particular client. For example, if you’re working at the time when the healing energy is energetically sent to you, it may be more appropriate for you to receive it when you are sleeping. The healing energy is always received by you at the most appropriate time for you, for your highest and best good.

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    Does the client feel something when the healing energy is sent?

    Some clients do feel the energy that’s been sent (some describe it as a ‘waterfall washing over them’, ‘tingling all over the body’, ‘strange feelings in the part of the body that needs healing’, ‘like someone is touching them’ or just ‘a very tired feeling’). Some clients feel nothing at all, and this is okay, as we are not always aware of our connection to the Divine, and sometimes the energy download to us can be very subtle (so that we are not frightened by it, or perhaps because we just don’t need to feel it). You do not have to feel the energy for it to have a positive effect on you.

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    What happens after the healing is energetically sent?

    The actual healing process is conducted by each client’s Higher Self, with assistance from Spirit (the client’s own Angelic Beings, Guides, Angels, God-Self, Spirit Doctors, etc – the individual souls existing in other dimensions, who assist people on the earth plane). Healing and/or transformation of a client’s dis-ease (physical ache/pain in the body, mental condition, emotional pain/trauma/experience, medically-diagnosed disease, and/or life stress) may be instant, or it may take some time to change or disappear, depending on the client’s condition, and the client’s acceptance and receptivity of the healing. After the energy healing is energetically sent, most clients have reported experiencing a sense of calmness and, generally, feel more positive about themselves and their life.

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    Are there any prerequisites for a successful healing?

    Erica West believes that the prerequisites for a successful healing for the client involve:

    1. the client’s willingness to be healed;
    2. an open and receptive attitude to healing/transformation of the dis-ease; and
    3. a belief that the client can be healed does assist, however, it is much more important that the client WANTS to be healed.

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    Is it best that the client gives permission for the healing?SA Butterfly ChakraColours

    Yes. When a client gives permission for healing to proceed, this is his/her positive intention to attract some form of change or transformation, and this can have very powerful repercussions. It means that the client is now taking responsibility for his/her own wellbeing.

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    What are Erica's thoughts about healing?

    Erica believes there is no dis-ease (ailment, condition, disease, pain, suffering, trauma, etc) that cannot be cured/healed. In saying that, Erica also believes that each client must choose his/her own method by which to heal. A modality that may be right for one, may not be right for another, so it is important that each individual takes responsibility for the decision he/she makes in deciding the best possible avenue for healing. What is right for someone else may not be right for you. Sometimes, a condition may take a very long time to heal, because a person has chosen this as part of their life experience and/or has a lot of negative beliefs to clear before transformation can begin. Erica’s advice is to clear as many negative beliefs as you can during this lifetime, so that you don’t have to repeat the same experiences in your next lifetime.

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    Why do we get sick?

    We are a Spirit Being in a physical (human) body, choosing (consciously or unconsciously) all the experiences that occur during our lifetime. The conscious mind (the logical/reasoning/thinking part of the brain) makes us aware of our bodily conditions; for example, when we are cold, hungry, tired, or in discomfort from physical disorders. The subconscious/unconscious mind (the emotional/feeling part of the brain) stores all memories of our experiences, along with the emotions/feelings attached to each experience; for example, love, hate, anger, resentment, etc. More than ninety percent of the body’s physical discomfort has an emotional cause. When the emotions build up too much for our body/mind to handle, the stress from this presents as a dis-ease in the body (ache, pain, disease, etc). When the emotional cause is removed, there is no need for the physical discomfort (or dis-ease) to remain. We get sick for many reasons – mostly because we are unhappy about something in our lives. When we change the energy around whatever is making us feel unhappy, we have no cause to be sick.

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    You can view the Events Calendar for all events, including Energetically Sent sessions, here.


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    SA - Video Presentations

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  • Subconscious Ascension (SA)

    Subconscious Ascension (SA)

    Erica West has created a unique (and extremely powerful) energy healing session called Subconscious Ascension.  You do not have to talk about anything, and your subconscious mind facilitates the healing for you.  Subconscious Ascension assists you to successfully resolve physical and/or emotional issues, by doing two things:

    Mandala SA Round(1)  On a physical level, your subconscious mind begins 're-filing' memories (and emotions attached to those memories) that are no longer serving you for your highest and best good.  Every memory (of every experience you've ever had) is filed in your subconscious mind, in exactly the way you perceived that particular experience when it happened.  For example: If you were bitten by a dog when you were young, you may have filed that memory/experience with emotions like – 'fear' of dogs, 'anger' at your mother for not saving you from the dog, 'resentment' at the neighbour because it was the neighbour's dog, 'sadness' because there's a scar on your leg where the dog bit you, and perhaps many other emotions around one small incident that took a minute or two of your whole life.  You have many 'experiences' during your lifetime, and there are many memories that are not 'filed' in the most appropriate way for you now.  If a particular 'emotion' builds up too much for the body to handle, it can present as a physical impediment in the body (discomfort, ache, pain, illness, disease or dis-ease).

    Logo SubconsciousAscension RegTradeMark(2)  On an energetic level, you raise your level of consciousness – your 'conscious awareness' is heightened (you will be much more aware of what you're thinking, saying and feeling) and your 'energy field vibration' increases (the vibration of your energy field determines what you will attract into your life).  The higher your level of consciousness, the quicker and easier you can attract things into your life.  Due to your higher vibration, current friends may drift out of your life (generally, this happens easily, without being particularly noticeable).  Sometimes, others are attracted to your higher vibration (either because they 'match', or are more in tune with, your new higher vibration, or they are unconsciously drawn to you to receive healing whilst in your higher energy field vibration, thereby assisting them to raise their vibration also).

    Any form of dis-ease in the body is an indicator that important physical, emotional and/or spiritual needs are not being met. As angelic beings in human form, we have an inner drive to evolve and grow toward wellbeing and fulfillment, and this is sometimes thwarted by events that cause frustration and suppression, which, in turn, creates physical and/or psychological illness. Subconscious Ascension can activate the healing powers of your body, so that you can transform limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your highest potential.

    Subconscious Ascension is a powerful method for making huge changes in your life, without having to talk about all the negative events that have happened in the past.  Subconscious Ascension is quick, easy, safe, affordable and effective.  Do yourself a favour, aim to make your life easier and better, and invest in the most important person in your world – YOU. Check out the Events Calendar for Subconscious Ascension (and other) healing sessions.

    YOU, like many others, may be searching for a way to have all your desires realized.  The key benefits of Subconscious Ascension include:

    • Increasing your level of consciousness.
    • Being more 'consciously' aware of what you think, say and feel.
    • Resolving negative memories from the past, and feeling more calm about life.
    • Breaking down resistance to emotions that prevent you from achieving your highest potential.
    • Safely letting go of limiting belief patterns.
    • Saving time, money and effort.

    YOU are likely to:SA Butterfly ChakraColours

    • Feel better about yourself and your life.
    • Recognize the power of positive thoughts, feelings and actions.
    • Create increased happiness and success for yourself.
    • Attract things into your life more quickly and easily.
    • Transform limiting beliefs that no longer benefit you.
    • Be more aware of things happening within you and around you.
    • Make improvements, safely, in the privacy of your subconscious mind.
    • Handle stress differently, and be guided toward a more fulfilling life.
    • Achieve a corporate competitive advantage in business.
    • Increase productivity and creativity.
    • Maximize your potential, simplify your life, and change unwanted behaviours.
    • Enjoy benefits you never imagined could be possible.

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    Subconscious Ascension is continually evolving, as the planetary level of consciousness rises.  Subconscious Ascension is a safe, quick, easy and most inexpensive way to clear limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your highest potential. Invest only 2½-3 hours of your time to experience Subconscious Ascension, and you will wonder why you waited so long.

    You can physically attend a Subconscious Ascension session (you must bring along something comfortable to lay on, plus pillow, blanket and water), OR you can take advantage of having the Subconscious Ascension session energetically sent to you (which means you don't have to travel or leave the comfort of your own home).

    There is only one condition that applies to the Subconscious Ascension session, and that is, if you choose to have more Subconscious Ascension sessions in the future, you MUST wait at least three (3) months between each SA session.  It takes three months for the body/mind to integrate all the information from the Subconscious Ascension session. Check out the Events Calendar for Subconscious Ascension (and other) healing sessions.

    Subconscious Ascension assists you to resolve previously unresolved memories/emotions that can affect your life and/or your body, and may relate to various symptoms, such as:

    Emotional:  Anger, guilt, resentment, fear, self-hatred, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, shyness, jealousy, grief, negative relationship patterns, feeling bad about yourself.

    Behavioural:  Unwanted habits, including nail biting, gambling, drinking, smoking, over-eating, dependencies, addictions, teeth grinding, nervous twitches, stuttering, bed-wetting, aggression and other uncontrolled behaviours.

    Mental:  Stress, worry, anxiety, insomnia, depression, phobias, panic attacks, memory and concentration problems, disturbing dreams/nightmares, depression, performance and creativity blocks (sexual, sport, study, etc).

    Physical: (where there is no known organic cause):  Headaches, eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems, allergies, muscle tension, ulcers, irritable bowel, fatigue, sensitive eyes, itchy scalp, back ache, shoulder/neck pain, and general stiffness.

    Spiritual/Energetic:  Immediate increased level of consciousness, conscious awareness of yourself and your surroundings, higher energy field vibration, allowing you to attract things into your life more quickly and easily.

    Children:  Suitable for children over 10 years of age.

    SA Butterfly Chakra TailSubconscious Ascension is a very powerful energy healing treatment, which can assist with healing of the body/mind, improvement of life circumstances and relationships, increased level of consciousness, and enhancement of career or performance objectives. Subconscious Ascension encourages your subconscious mind to deal with any unresolved issues in a gentle and effective way.

    Conditioning from childhood, and life experiences in general, may contribute to unfavourable patterns of behaviour, which continue to repeat themselves until dealt with.  Subconscious Ascension has the potential to create huge changes in your life, including increased wellbeing, confidence, strength, calmness, balance, improved physical health, fitness, relationships, prosperity, happiness, and the ability to manage future problems with ease.

    The Subconscious Ascension session is generally conducted in a group environment (for physical attendees), and the best part is that you do not have to talk about anything. Alternatively (for those who can't physically attend), the Subconscious Ascension session can be energetically sent to you. Check out the Events Calendar for Subconscious Ascension (and other) healing sessions.


    Forms that relate to the Subconscious Ascension session are listed below.  Please click on the form name link to view or download the pdf version of each form.

    1. Differences/Changes - The 'Differences/Changes' form explains some of the differences/changes you may experience, as you begin to process information after your Subconscious Ascension session.
    2. Dealing With Change - The 'Dealing With Change' form provides you with some useful hints/tips/techniques to take advantage of, whilst raising your vibration and maintaining a more positive state of mind.
    3. Client Record - The 'Client Record' form is optional (for your record only). You may choose to answer the questions, and check the differences/changes three (3) months after your Subconscious Ascension session.
    4. Emotional Freedom Technique - 'Emotional Freedom Technique' is a great pain relief and relaxation technique, using your body's meridian points to release negative emotions associated with pain in your body and/or emotional issues.
    5. Change Your Belief Patterns - The 'Change Your Belief Patterns' form includes two very powerful and easy techniques ('Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing') for you to start changing your own belief patterns.
    6. Pocket Reminder: Change Your Belief Patterns - The 'Pocket Reminder' is a quick reference to the wording for the 'Cancel That' and 'Blanket Healing' techniques, plus a few extra reminders to share with friends.

    Invest In Yourself And Your Future Success

    • AUD$250  per person - for physical attendance at a group Subconscious Ascension session (please check for special discounted prices at designated venues).
    • AUD$100  per person - for the Subconscious Ascension session to be Energetically Sent to you (via remote/distant healing).
    • AUD$TBA for Corporate, Business, Sporting Organization and Individual Subconscious Ascension sessions (by appointment only).

    Photo EricaWestErica West resides in Australia, however, may be available to conduct a Subconscious Ascension 'group session' in your area.  The following conditions generally apply:

    * Subconscious Ascension within Australia   - 10+ clients.
    * Subconscious Ascension outside Australia - 20+ clients.


    View the Events Calendar for Subconscious Ascension (and other) healing sessions.

    View or download the Subconscious Ascension Brochure.

    Butterflies InBlueCircleRegister your interest in an event (Subconscious Ascension session) in your area.  All expressions of interest will be recorded in a register and, should there be sufficient interest in a particular area, Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd's events management team will organize a special event in that area.

    Should you be interested in personally organizing a Subconscious Ascension session where you live, please view information about requirements for organizing a Subconscious Ascension session in your area.

    Read the Client Information - Subconscious Ascension article(for clients physically attending a Subconscious Ascension session), so that you know what to expect, what to bring to the session, what the process is, etc.

    Check out the Frequently Asked Questions about Subconscious Ascension.

    View information about Energetically Sent sessions (remote/distant healing).

    Your Subconscious Mind Is A Very Powerful Tool For Positive Change

    Mandala SA Round

    Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.

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