Erica's Services
The purpose of Erica's services is to promote health and wellbeing on all levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and to empower you to use the wisdom of your innate intelligence to decide what is best for YOU. You have the power to change your life.
Subconscious Ascension is a unique and extremely powerful energy healing modality - a quick and easy way to transform limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your full potential. You do not have to talk about anything, and the Subconscious Ascension session can be attended in person or energetically sent to you. Read more...
Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Subconscious Ascension session, as well as other energy healing services/sessions. Or, check out the requirements to organize a Subconscious Ascension session in your area.
Create Positive Changes assists you to successfully resolve physical and/or emotional issues, and use the power of your mind to create positive changes for your body and your life. Create Positive Changes is continually evolving, as the planetary level of consciousness rises. Create Positive Changes is a safe, quick, easy and most inexpensive way to clear limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your highest potential. You can physically attend a Create Positive Changes session or take advantage of having the Create Positive Changes session energetically sent to you. Read more...
Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Create Positive Changes session, as well as other energy healing services/sessions.
Energetically Sent sessions are a great way to create positive changes in your body (and your life), without having to physically attend a healing session and/or leave the comfort of your own home. Energetically Sent healing sessions encourage the power and wisdom of your subconscious mind to begin creating positive changes, so that you may benefit in the best ways. Read more...
View the Calendar Of Events for Energetically Sent (and other) sessions.
EsotErica training/information workshops assist you to learn about life and gain valuable techniques to empower yourself (refer to Training Sessions/Workshops below). Read more... View Calendar Of Events, or Register Your Interest in an event in your area, or organize a workshop in your area.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
The Change Your Mind Change Your Life session is offered as a one-on-one (individual) service, so that you can take advantage of personally working with Erica West for one (1) hour, in order to deal with limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from achieving your highest potential. Various energy healing techniques may be included in the Change Your Mind Change Your Life session, and this session is tailored to suit your personal specific requirements. Read more...
Check out the Calendar Of Events for the next available Change Your Mind Change Your Life session (and other sessions), or Contact Us to arrange a personal appointment at a mutually convenient time.
The Transform Limiting Beliefs group session incorporates various healing techniques, and includes teachings and energetic downloads (about health, wealth, happiness, abundance, love, success, etc), so that you can become a vibrational match to that which you desire.
Each Transform Limiting Beliefs session is unique, in that each group session is specifically tailored to suit participant requirements. Read more...
View the Calendar Of Events for Transform Limit
ing Beliefs (and other) sessions.
Downloadable Audio/MP3 Healing Products
Downloadable products are intended to raise your level of consciousness (your conscious awareness and energy field vibration) and assist with personal healing of your body/mind, transform limiting beliefs and promote inner peace. Downloadable Audio/MP3 products are intended to provide healing whilst you sleep, and empower you to make positive changes in your body and your life.
Check out the selection of downloadable audio/MP3 healing products here: (Please Note: 'Shop/Products' purchases are separate to 'Services/Events' bookings - Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website.)
Training Sessions/Workshops
EsotErica's training sessions/workshops (E-Courses and Live Workshops) assist you to learn new skills, gain useful knowledge and collect many valuable hints and techniques.
Take this opportunity to enhance your personal health and wellbeing, improve your relationships, and create an easier and better life. Learn how to transform negative beliefs, and use the power of your thoughts for advantageous outcomes.
Empower yourself with some of the best solutions to access the power within you to co-create with the universe everything you have ever dreamt of (and more). Read more...
An energetically-sent Free Healing session is offered to anyone who wants it (via remote/distant healing energy). Free Healing may include physical and/or emotional healing techniques, and is divinely guided by Spirit. Read more...
You are making a huge difference in the world, just by being here, and we are pleased to provide this energetically-sent Free Healing service for you.
Book now for an energetically-sent Free Healing, by completing the 'Free Healing' Form.
Register Your Interest For A Healing/Training Session In Your Area
Even though Subconscious Ascension Pty Ltd is located in Australia, healing and training sessions can be conducted in areas outside of Australia (conditions apply). Please complete the form to Register Your Interest in a healing or training event in your area.
Free 'Wellbeing Techniques' and 'Free Hints & Tips' are provided for your convenience. This information is continually being added to and/or upgraded. Please use this information discerningly, and take advantage of what feels 'right' for you.
Please Note: Two different booking/ordering systems are used on this website - one for 'Erica's Services' and another for 'Shop/Products'
(Downloadable E-Courses and other products are available via the 'Shop - Online Shopping' area)
Disclaimer: All products/services mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All research information is provided for educational purposes only, as a courtesy to our customers, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional.